I’m running for another term as state representative because our students are under attack by the politicians and special interests in Jefferson City. They are trying to systematically dismantle Missouri’s public education system and they’ve made sure Missouri has the loosest gun laws in the country. As a teacher who has gone through too many classroom shelter-in-place drills, I’ll return to Jefferson City to protect public education, combat the gun violence epidemic, and fight for social equity for all Missourians.
Kathy Steinhoff for Missouri State Representative

A Voice For
Meet Kathy
Prioritizing The Issues You Care About
Every Missouri child should have access to a free, quality public education, regardless of their zip code.
As a former teacher, I know all too well that Jefferson City Republicans have created poor working conditions for teachers, slashed programs for students, spread misinformation about curriculum, failed to adequately fund public schools, and even gone so far as to sue school districts for keeping students and staff safe during the pandemic.
I will fight against these ridiculous attacks on public education and ensure every Missouri student has access to an accurate, honest education that sets them up for the future and doesn’t shy away from hard truths about our past.
Missouri has the loosest gun laws in the country. The gun violence epidemic is out of control and has had a devastating impact on our communities and schools. I vow to fight against outlandish bills like the “Make Murder Legal Act”.
I will work to help enact stronger gun laws and close gaps in our system that put all Missourians at risk. I support repealing HB 85, which invalidated all federal gun control laws in the state of Missouri, and expanding necessary background check laws that would keep guns out of the hands of the domestic abusers, terrorists, and others who would do harm to our children.
Every Missourian should have access to quality health care that includes mental health and reproductive health services. The extreme abortion ban passed in our state limits access to abortion even in cases of rape, incest, or medical need.
Mothers die from childbirth in Missouri in numbers far greater than the rest of the industrialized world, and instead of promoting health care, Missouri legislators have placed burdensome restrictions on it. Even the vagueness of this restrictive law is leaving pregnant people, doctors, and attorneys with no direction. This affects all of us but particularly those in their reproductive years.
As your state rep, I will work for the right to bodily autonomy in order to make the best decisions about our health care.
Liberty and justice for all is part of our pledge as Americans but we have a long way to go.
Systems, laws, practices, and mindsets continue to deny equal opportunities to all Missourians based on race, religion, social class, gender, sexuality, and creed. Inequities are found in health care, education, criminal justice, voting rights, and economics.
As the rest of the country is advancing progressive anti-discrimination laws, Missouri is in danger of being left behind as businesses and people pack up and leave for greener pastures. I will fight to end the practices that made Missouri the first state to receive a travel advisory from the NAACP and I am committed to working to raise all Missourians up and fight efforts that marginalize any group.
Unions and working families are under attack. The wage gap is out of control and causing strain on social programs.
It is imperative that we protect our workers by securing their rights to collectively bargain. We must support prevailing wages and reject right-to-work-for-less legislation. We must continue to raise the minimum wage to keep up with inflation and ensure every family has the benefits they need not just to survive, but thrive.
The path to reducing the income gap in this country and reliance on social programs is rooted in raising the wage of workers and restoring the middle class through union protections.
Climate change is real and its affects are felt every day. Storms, floods, extreme weather, melting ice caps are evident. It is clear that humans are responsible and conscientious efforts are needed to save our world. Ignoring the problems are impacting our water supplies, human health, food supplies, housing issues and economy.
There has been some positive action recently to address the climate. These changes are creating good jobs and helping our country become a leader in renewable clean energy. Sun, wind, hydrogen, groundwater, and oceans all play a role in make us less dependent on fossil fuels.
Efforts toward clean energy will benefits us and this planet giving us and our kids a healthy and secure future.