Mo House District 140

Elect Julia Curran

for Missouri State

A Voice For

Meet Julia

I know our community, and like many, I share a love for Christian County and want to contribute to its collective success. I believe that we as community members have so much more in common than we may think and if a focus is kept on the greater good we can find common ground through our shared goals and principals.

The people of the 140th deserve a representative who focuses on issues that they care about like economic development, strengthening and supporting public schools, healthcare and infrastructure. I want to be that person.

Prioritizing The Issues You Care About

Economic Resiliancy

I will support policies that bolster our economic resilience and bring our paid tax dollars back to reinvest in our community.

I will be a good steward of our tax dollars. Over 80% of our state revenue comes from individual income tax. This is our money that we have paid as an investment in our state and we should see a return in our investment.

Health Care
Clean Water