St. Louis County Ballot Envelope

Make sure you fill in the ballot envelope correctly!

10/29/2020 Update: If you have one of the seven listed reasons for voting absentee, you can drop off your ballot at a satellite voting location. However, if you mark the last box (that states "if none of the above apply", you must mail in your ballot.

The post office has recommended that you put ballots in the mail before today if they are to arrive on time. If you are voting a mail-in ballot (NOT ABSENTEE), my recommendation is that you go to a polling location to vote. Take your mail-in ballot with you and give it to the poll workers.

IF YOU DID NOT REQUEST AN ABSENTEE/MAIL-IN BALLOT AND ARE IN ISOLATION OR QUARANTINE BECAUSE OF A SUSPECTED OR CONFIRMED COVID INFECTION: You should call the St. Louis County Board of Elections as soon as possible. They can be reached at 314-615-1800. They will make arrangements for you to vote.


The Election Board has begun sending out ballots! If you vote either by mail-in or absentee ballot, you must return your ballot in this envelope.

Fill in the envelope correctly! There were many votes not counted in the August election because of improperly filled-in ballot envelopes. When you return your ballot, be sure to mark the envelope:

  • Sign the signature box;
  • Check ONE box, either
    • one of the seven reasons for voting absentee,
    • requesting a MAIL-IN ballot.

You may need to:

  • Have your ballot notarized, if the box you check does not say "notary not required"
  • Write in your registered voting address, if that is not where the ballot was mailed
  • Write your name on the long blank line, if you are voting absentee;

In addition, if you are filling in the envelope for another person, you will need to fill in the flap of the envelope.