Working to grow our shared values and create positive change for hard-working Missouri families.
Access to Affordable Healthcare

Quality, accessible, and affordable health care is key to child growth, a stable workforce and a vibrant economy. Yet, Missouri continues to put up barriers to health care by maintaining outdated systems that undermine coverage and care for workers and their families. I'll push to improve Missouri's Medicaid program and social services systems, ensure that public health resources are protected, and that women are able to make appropriate health care decisions for themselves without fear.

Strengthen Local Public Schools

Public education is the bedrock of our communities, one of the best pathways for building a healthy, inventive and well-prepared future workforce. Some lawmakers have pursued policies that weaken public education even though the majority of Missouri's children attend their local public schools. I will work to protect K-12 public school funding and join legislative efforts to increase the availability of quality early childhood education -- strategies that set the stage for children's health, growth and preparation for future careers and life.

Protecting Workers and Families

The Kansas City region’s diverse population and economy calls for investments in small businesses; resources that can help new businesses with startup expenses; and micro- and other loan programs that can help entrepreneurs create new enterprises. In addition, it’s essential that Missouri legislators uphold anti-discrimination policies that protect workers and support business owners who want to attract employees and customers beyond the state's boundaries. Missouri’s growth depends on a diverse economy and a highly skilled workforce that can fill essential jobs. Small business growth, fair wages and labor practices, and other job creation strategies will ensure the economy remains strong. I will work for a Missouri that welcomes people regardless of race, religion, gender, age or sexual orientation, and protects all people from discrimination.