About Tiffany Price

My name is Tiffany Price, and I am running for Missouri’s House of State Representatives. Uplifting District 26 for not only my family but all families motivates my purpose and inspiration to represent our state.

Being a Kansas City native and now raising my four sons - Bryan, Phillip, Preston, and Karter - here, I want to ensure our community’s voices are heard. Community is at the heart of who I am, and I will do everything I can to improve ours for my sons, your children, our district, and our state.

In Jefferson City, you don’t see a lot of people like me at the table. Furthermore, you don’t see a lot of our legislators propelling family-focused solutions, which is what I plan to bring. Actively engaging in advocacy work with various organizations, including Quality Schools Coalition, PLTI-KC (Parent Leadership Training Institute - Kansas City), NPLI (Nonprofit Leadership Initiative), and APHSA (American Public Human Services Association), I have been rooted in community building and enhancing our city.

Furthermore, my role as Founder and Executive Director for Hold Em Up 4 Care brings a wealth of experience championing families, particularly as it relates to equitable healthcare access. Over 3,000 youths have been served to date - a significant increase from the 51 served in 2019 through my leadership of Hold Em Up 4 Care.

Access to quality healthcare should be a fundamental human right, not a privilege. And yet, for too many in our state, getting the medical care they need remains out of reach. Children are going without routine check-ups, women without mammograms and breast care education, neighbors experiencing undergarment insecurity, etc. This is unacceptable.

But of course, a truly healthy society requires more than just accessible medical treatment. It requires addressing the systemic roots of violence, poverty, and trauma that are plaguing too many of our communities.

Having witnessed my immediate family suffer from gun violence as a child and continuing to witness increased violence in our cities and schools is a stain on our state - one that we have a moral obligation to wipe clean.

As your Representative, I'll champion evidence-based violence interruption and prevention initiatives that stop the cycle of harm before it starts. I'll fight for investment in mental health services, job programs, affordable housing, and quality education because those are the foundations of safe, thriving neighborhoods.