About Melissa Jo Viloria

Born in Honolulu, Hawaii to a Filipino taxi driver and a Missouri farmer's daughter, Melissa Jo and her family moved to Missouri for the simple life. Growing up, bi-racial in small town Missouri made for complicated yet interesting upbringing. With one foot in the islands and the other in Missouri farm ground, embracing both made Melissa Jo well rounded yet adventurous.

After graduating from Southwest Missouri State University, now Missouri State University, with a degree in History, Melissa Jo returned to northeast Missouri to join the work force. First working in publishing and then in IT, Melissa Jo followed her dream of owning a small dance retail boutique in Quincy, IL. With a lifelong passion for dance and entertainment, she ran the boutique until the economic downturn in 2007. She closed shop and went to work as a dance instructor and cheer coach for Culver-Stockton College in Canton, MO. After working in Canton, she started working in insurance in Quincy, IL and has worked there for the last eleven years.

After meeting her fiancé, Charles West in 2006 and having her daughter, Hayden in 2008 Melissa Jo focused on raising her daughter and working while living outside of St. Patrick, MO in Clark County. When her fiancé decided to run for school board and then for Congress, Melissa Jo’s passion for politics was reignited. Her family was always discussing politics and was actively outspoken regarding her Democratic stances while living in predominantly red areas. While in college she was active in the College Democrats and was the President of the Democratic Central Committee of Clark County. With the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Melissa Jo decided that fighting for reproductive rights needed to be her next direction. And since has been actively involved with local organization Voices for Choice who work for regaining reproductive freedom for all. After participating in protests and rallies when asked about helping find viable candidates to run for office, she decided to throw her hat into the ring.

When elected, she will focus on securing reproductive freedom, increasing job growth and protecting Missouri’s public schools.