July 3, 2024

Tell the State of Missouri to Audit Attorney General Andrew Bailey for wasting Missouri Taxpayer Dollars

Every week for the past 12 weeks our Attorney General has been bragging, promoting or marketing one of his 100 of out of state lawsuits that have no effect on the state of Missouri. Rather, it is all an effort to pander to the GOP MAGA Pedophile Trump crowd. All on the Missouri Tax payers dime. That's right! We are paying for this nonsense. We are paying for this "un-elected" official's salary to play too and audition to the national audience of #MAGAWorld.

It has to stop now. Hold him accountable while he is still in office. But not to fret, we can still hold him accountable once his ass get tossed out of Jefferson City. And it starts by signing our petition.

This ChristoFascist mentality does not belong in our State house or National Government.