About Joe Jefferies

"When some voices are silenced, all go unheard."

As an advocate, student of social work, Certified Peer Specialist, and someone living in long-term recovery, my journey to candidacy has been defined by the relentless pursuit of social justice, equity, and the well-being of our communities. My experiences, challenges and triumphs alike, shaped my path toward a common goal: to serve the 48th as your advocate in the Missouri House of Representatives.

The Journey

I've always believed that true transformation begins by standing by your values, pursuing the common good, and doing what's right for the most marginalized among us. My path to politics was far from linear but deeply rooted in a mission to make a difference. As a queer kid in Mid-Missouri, I faced real and significant challenges to fully realizing my identity and potential. Growing up too often unheard, silenced, and bullied - I understand the profound impacts of feeling voiceless and marginalized. This has driven my passion for ensuring that no one ever feels the pain of their voice being stifled as mine once was. As your 48th District representative, my promise is clear: I will stand up for the rights and well-being of everyone in our district, particularly those most marginalized, to amplify your voices and guide Missouri and the 48th toward a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment Advocate

Amid my journey, I made the critical choice to confront my mental health challenges and substance use. This experience and my life in recovery have equipped me with a unique perspective on supporting and expanding access to mental health and substance use treatment for all Missourians - not just the most privileged. This firsthand experience fuels my dedication to building up the next generation of providers and pushing for initiatives that prioritize mental health and individual and community well-being.

Bringing Communities Together

Our campaign is built on four core values: equity, justice, diversity, and belongingness. Whether advocating for the rights of the marginalized, supporting local businesses and farmers, or promoting sustainable communities and climate action, my vision is about bringing communities together.

My Mission

My mission is straightforward: to be a tireless advocate for your voice, a dedicated champion of the rights and well-being of our communities, and a collaborator and co-conspirator with all residents to ensure that the Office of the 48th truly represents the diverse perspectives and needs of our constituents.

Join Me

When we come together, I believe we can achieve remarkable, transformative results. This campaign is about you, me, and the power of our collective voice. Join me on this journey to make Missouri's 48th district a more equitable, inclusive, and just place for all to live. Together, we can shape a better, brighter future where everyone's voice is heard, everyone's rights are respected, and everyone's identities are celebrated.

Join me in this transformative journey. Because when some voices are silenced, all go unheard.

Why I'm Running

I’m running in 2024 because I believe in a brighter, more equitable future for all Missourians, particularly those in the 48th. With the core values of equity, justice, diversity, and belongingness fueling my campaign, I firmly believe that, together, we will champion a progressive agenda that addresses the urgent challenges facing the 48th District and the entire state.

From ensuring fair taxation and expanding access to affordable healthcare, building self-sufficient communities with green technologies and prioritizing education, increasing access to mental health services, and protecting the human rights of those most marginalized, I am committed to delivering the change our communities deserve.

With a background in social work, a passion for improving lives, and a dedication to inclusive and equitable policies, I’m ready to work for a better Missouri where everyone’s voice is heard and every individual can thrive.

Mission, Vision & Core Values


Our mission is to champion a more equitable, just, diverse, and inclusive 48th district where every resident feels a profound sense of belongingness. Through collaborative and transformative leadership centered on community, we aim to address Missourians' unique challenges in the 48th district, particularly marginalized, vulnerable, and disenfranchised communities. Our unwavering commitment is to create opportunities, amplify voices, and build a future where fairness and justice prevail.


In the 48th district, we envision a future where equity, justice, diversity, and belongingess are the cornerstones of our vibrant community. We aspire to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstance, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the district’s shared success. Together, we will forge a path toward a brighter, more inclusive future in the 48th.

Core Values

  1. Equity: We believe in a community where fairness is paramount. Equity means dismantling systemic barriers that have held back our neighbors for far too long and ensuring everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of their background or identity. Our commitment to equity drives us to create a level playing field for all.
  2. Justice: At the core of our campaign is the unwavering commitment to justice, encompassing both restorative and social justice. Restorative justice guides us in repairing harm and fostering healing within our community. It’s about transforming conflict into an opportunity for growth, accountability, and reconciliation. We believe in addressing the root causes of injustice and working collectively to build a more compassionate and empathetic society. Social justice is our North Star, guiding us towards a world where everyone enjoys equal rights, opportunities, and protections regardless of background. We’re dedicated to ensuring that the most vulnerable among us are uplifted, and no one is left behind.
  3. Diversity: Diversity is our strength. It means embracing the richness of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that make our district unique. We celebrate diversity as a wellspring of innovation, creativity, and cultural exchange. Our campaign is dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone’s voice is valued, heard, and respected, including those who disagree with us.
  4. Belongingness: Belongingness is at the heart of our community. It’s the feeling of being welcomed, accepted, and valued for who you are. We strive to create a district where every resident is recognized as an integral part of our shared story. Together, we’ll build a sense of belongingness that empowers and unites us.

Land Acknowledgement

It is important to acknowledge that the 48th district rests atop the ancestral lands of the Osage, Sauk and Fox, Sioux, Kickapoo, Kaskaskia, and Peoria peoples. These indigenous nations are this land's historical and original stewards, doing so long before the 48th House District was established.

We must recognize that complex and often troubling realities mark the history of this land, as much of it was obtained through malice and violence, which we cannot ignore. The answers to addressing these historical injustices are neither reductive nor straightforward, and I alone do not possess them. However, they are certainly not as apathetic as doing nothing at all.

As a White candidate of European descent running to represent this district, I stand in recognition of the deep-seated complexities and contradictions inherent in the history and governance of this land and my running to do so. I hold a profound respect for the cultures, traditions, and experiences of the Indigenous people who have lived on and cared for this land from time immemorial.

If elected, I hope to carry the responsibility of stewardship for the 48th House District with the same care and mindfulness as the indigenous peoples who initially inhabited and nurtured this land. Let us move forward together in a spirit of respect, understanding, and cooperation, striving to create a more equitable and inclusive future for all who call this land home.

- Joe Jefferies, Candidate for Missouri's 48th House District

Click Here To See What Native Land You're On.
