March 6, 2025

Missouri Republicans are Trying to Take Away Your Right to Amend the Constitution

Missouri Senate Republicans are trying to take away Missouri citizens' right to vote to amend the Missouri State Constitution. Currently, Missouri allows citizens of Missouri to vote to amend the Constitution after an initiative petition process. "Initiative petitions proposing amendments to the constitution shall be signed by eight percent of the legal voters in each of two-thirds of the congressional districts in the state, and petitions proposing laws shall be signed by five percent of such voters." If citizens are able to obtain the requisite number of signatures on the petition, the amendment goes to a vote of the people. The signatures are required to come from throughout the state, and not just the urban areas. This is currently underway as citizens are signing the petition for the Missouri Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment. If enough signatures are obtained, this Amendment will be on the November ballot.

Republicans want to change this, and instead of a majority rule, they want to require a super majority of voters to approve an amendment. The proposed change "requires all such proposed constitutional amendments and new constitutions to receive a majority of the votes cast statewide as well as a majority of the votes cast in at least a majority of the Congressional districts, such approved amendments to take effect at the end of 31 days after the election." This proposal would end up with a minority rule in Missouri.

Luckily, Senate Democrats are standing firm and rejecting this proposed change. Please contact your Senator and tell them to vote no on this change.