August 27, 2024

Sierra Club Endorsement

Today I was notified that I am being endorsed by the Sierra Club for the general election. I am ECSTATIC about this. I have been a member of the Sierra Club for, now, 25-years. I joined when I was 16 after I got my first job and first checking account to pay the dues. I have been an avid environmentalist ever since I can remember. My childhood best friend Sam and I once went door-to-door to collect phonebooks for recycling. Fun Fact: a Dodge minivan can hold well over 100 phonebooks but looses considerable acceleration when so doing.

(Now)In our house we have worked to dramatically reduce the amount of waste we produce through mindful consumption, reuse, recycling(curbside ), supplemental recycling, and composting.

I grew up watching the Planeteers and dreamed that I too would one day be a part of diverse group using magic rings and teamwork to save the planet. Little did I know that I would actually get the chance to fulfill that dream, minus the magic rings. It is truly an honor to be running for office with endorsement of an organization like the Sierra Club that works so tirelessly to promote the wellbeing of our shared planet. We have just the one and we are not the only ones living here. I have been most impressed, in recent years, with the Sierra Club's outreach approach focusing on the intersectionality of environmental issues and social justice.

As scientist I see how complex and interactive our world is, with countless systems operating interdependently. As an anthropologist I see how human factors influence these systems, impacting the stability and inhabitability of our planet. The time is now to utilize the vast technology and knowledge we have to address our growing issues of climate change, pollution, and waste management. implement responses to sustain the wellbeing of this shared planet.