June 14, 2024

Human Kindness

Missouri summer

Missouri summers tend to get hot, in the last few years days have regularly been reaching new record temps but those doors don't knock themselves. So, heat or not, I am out there knocking doors and letting people know why I'm running. My reception is generally genial, if not friendly but sometimes I am genuinely inspired by the kindness of the people I encounter. Many people advise me to stay safe or ask how I am in the heat. Today I was offered ice water and chance to take shelter from the heat while I discussed with a constituent the more pressing and concerning issues that we are facing. These measures of kindness remind me that the goodness, the kindness, I am striving to promote and protect, is alive and well here in Missouri but it is often isolated and afraid. It is these connections and moments that affirm my commitment.

We are not the hateful, hyperbolic rhetoric that the 24-hour news sells on daily. Humans are more, we are kind, caring, supportive. It is time to unite in the understanding that we CAN have understanding, civility, common sense and justice in politics and in our lives.

Day-by-day, door-by-door I am more hopeful that the world of tomorrow can be place where we share water and open our doors.