August 1, 2024

Real Conversations

Sometimes it’s the really difficult conversations that ground me. Recently I had a long conversation with a constituent who shared experiences of domestic violence and the cascading impacts of those events. The conversation provided insight into this experience but even more it made me acutely aware of gaps in the justice system, like the need for more victim advocates. During our conversation, I was reminded of the need for stronger laws protecting victims and higher standards for prosecuting offenders. The person I spoke with apologized for "wasting" my time but, as I frequently assured, I found this time well-spent, on a very human level but also in an ethnographic way. Hearing from survivors makes what I am doing feel more real, more important. Also mentioned, was repeated attempts to contact elected officials, with no response. This is not the first time I have had people relate to me how inaccessible Missouri elected officials are. And that is why I walk and knock. To find these stories, these human beings within my community who are unrepresented, unheard, and to change that. We can do better than this. We MUST do better than this.

My friend shared an afternoon, personal connection, and water to keep me hydrated. I hope to return the favor through advocacy and responsible and receptive governance.