August 19, 2024

Charity MIles

I talk a lot about Charity Miles. So, I thought I would talk a little bit about what Charity Miles Miles is and why it matters so much to me. Charity Miles Miles is App you can download onto your phone, you get to select one of the charities that partners with Charity Miles, the app tracks miles that you walk, run, or bike and your selected organization receives a donation of about $.25/ per mile. This may not sound like a lot, but over time it really adds up. I started with Charity Milesrity Miles in June of 2016.
Companies sponsor Charity Miles in return for good publicity and tax deductions(probably). Recently Charity Miles Miles sent out an email requesting users to send in a short video that they (Charity Miles) could use in their pitch to BrooksRunning in an attempt to get Brooks to become a sponsor. In the video they asked users to introduce themselves, say how many miles they've logged, which charity they are currently logging miles for, why it matters to them, and why they think Brooks should become a sponsor.
In my short video I stated: My name is Gloria Young
I Live KC, MO
Right now I am supporting United Nations World Food Programme
I support this organization because they work to provide food and humanitarian relief to people world-wide.
I have done over 21 thousand miles.
I’ve run 5ks through an ultramarathon, all on Saucony shoes. If Brooks decides to support Charity Miles, my next 20 thousand miles might in Brooks!"

Not too long after that I received a personalized video from the CEO of Charity Miles, Gene Gurkoff thanking me for my video and stating that my video was used in the pitch in to Brooks. Brooks picked up the sponsorship, and now, I run on Brooks.

Charity Miles' motto is "Every Mile Matters."
Even though my miles look pretty different theses days, from when I was training for marathons, these miles matter a lot!