Working to grow our shared values and create positive change for hard-working Missouri families.
Individual rights to bodily autonomy

Gloria is a strong proponent of individual rights, especially when it comes to personal medical matters. She firmly believes that a person has the right to make private medical decisions and that discussions around and access to medications and medical procedures should be a private matter solely between care providers and patients.


Studies have consistently shown that housing and food insecurity strongly correlate with increases in violence. To build safer communities, Gloria believes we must prioritize access to quality, stable housing, and nutrition for all. Similarly, research demonstrates that justice systems that function with equity and are accessible significantly improve voluntary participation and cooperation. When people's basic needs are met, they are less likely to engage in harmful behavior. Similarly, Gloria recognizes that reliable access for all to quality mental health services is crucial for the safety and well-being of individuals and communities.

Gloria believes that everyone should be able to enter public spaces without the threat of gun violence. To achieve this, she supports reasonable restrictions on firearm acquisition, ownership, and use that prioritize public safety and personal responsibility.

All of Missouri's citizens should feel safe and are entitled to equal protection under the law. Gloria is committed to working towards a society where everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs, can live without fear.

Local and regional safety are inextricably linked to national and global security concerns. Gloria supports investing in local policies that reflect an understanding of how committing to justice and diplomacy at the international level contributes to a safer world for all.


Gloria understands that our health and well-being are deeply connected to the health of our environment. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the spaces we occupy all have a profound impact on our physical and mental health. To protect the health and safety of our communities, we must prioritize the integrity of these shared resources. This includes establishing and enforcing reasonable standards for industry, investing in the protection of natural spaces, improving our green spaces and access to them, and expanding our use of renewable energies.


District 16 is home to excellent schools, Gloria and her family moved to the Northland motivated largely by a school system well-known for excellence and student support. Gloria believes focusing on access to quality pre-K programs helps make sure children are school-ready and that supporting our schools and educators ensures that future generations are well-prepared for the world ahead. Ensuring that our schools remain well funded and maintain access to the community resources they need will be a top priority. Gloria is dedicated to ensuring that teachers are properly compensated and supported in their critical roles. A well-educated populace is a key to successful communities.

Puppy Mills

I am a life-long advocate for animal welfare. I have had the opportunity to volunteer with Wayside Waifs animal shelter in Kansas City, MO. As a volunteer I offered on-site support by walking dogs, grooming kitties, cleaning kennels, and helping with events.
During the circulation of the Proposition B petition in 2010 I collected several hundred signatures for the Initiative, sometimes in costume. My initial elation at the success of the measure was soon replaced by outrage at the legislators' response. Observing how lawmakers overruled the will of the people in the matter of Puppy Mills(among so many), and knowing that we need legislators with moral conscience and scientific literacy, has been one of my top strongest motivators me deciding to seek office. I have written repeatedly to elected officials often rarely receiving a response. I am excited that this issue that I care so deeply about is one that I can support in my candidacy, and, if elected, as a Representative.

Local Control

Local communities best understand their own needs and challenges, as well as how best to meet them. Gloria supports the rights of municipalities [or counties] to create laws and ordinances that serve to fulfill local needs. She also recognizes that schools, likewise, are well equipped to determine specific needs such as those regarding bathrooms and books. Gloria trusts that local libraries understand the wants and needs of their patrons and can respond accordingly when selecting or preparing materials or events.