July 18, 2024

Candidate Forum Questions & Answers

Question 1: How should the state balance the need for local control at the municipal level, with consistent laws at the state level?

Response: We need a collaborative approach where state and local governments work together. Local control allows communities to address their unique needs, while consistent state laws ensure fairness and efficiency across Missouri.


Question 2: What can state legislators do to improve access to mental health care for the most vulnerable Missourians: those who are low income and/or have no health insurance?

Response: Expanding Medicaid, increasing funding for community health centers, supporting telehealth services, enforcing mental health parity laws, and investing in mental health workforce development are key steps to improve access.


Question 3: The passing of SB 727 has a large funding need. How will you prioritize all the provisions of SB 727, fully funding the formula, and fully funding transportation so that local school districts can continue to increase teacher salaries?

Response: I'll advocate for annual appropriations to fully fund the foundation formula, protect public school funding, increase state funding for education, support teacher salaries, and enhance transportation funding to ensure our schools and teachers are well-supported.


Question 4: What is your stance on large corporate entities buying up single-family homes and renting them at exorbitant prices?

Response: I support stricter regulations on corporate purchases, affordable housing initiatives, homeownership programs, transparency from landlords, and community development to ensure fair and accessible housing for all.


Question 5: Given that neither the United States nor the state of Missouri is a theocracy, what will you do to protect the separation of church and state in Missouri?

Response: I'll support legislation that upholds the Establishment Clause, oppose policies that blur the lines between church and state, and promote religious freedom for all Missourians


Question 6: As of 2022, abortion in Missouri is illegal, with abortions only being legal in cases of medical emergency. Do you support Missouri's current laws on abortion?

Response : I do not support the current ban on abortion. Women should have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and health care. I advocate for revising the laws to provide more balanced and compassionate options.


Question 7: What restrictions would you place on assault rifles and handguns?

Response: I support enhanced background checks, age restrictions, and red flag laws for assault rifles. For handguns, I support mandatory safety training, safe storage laws, and thorough background checks.


Question 8: Missouri has faced significant criticism for its treatment of people with disabilities, including the reduction of funding to the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) program, resulting in limited care options for high-need consumers. Additionally, the state has the worst Medicaid application delays in the nation, with federal scrutiny and court rulings highlighting systemic issues such as long call center wait times and illegal denials of food aid. Furthermore, a federal investigation has determined that Missouri is violating federal disability law by unnecessarily institutionalizing thousands of adults with mental illness in nursing homes. Given these serious concerns, what specific plans do you have to:

Restore and increase funding to the CDS program to ensure people with disabilities can maintain their independence and receive adequate care?


I will advocate for restoring and increasing funding to the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) program. Despite recent attempts to cut funding, the Missouri Legislature has recognized the importance of this program and passed a 5.29% increase in funding, although it was vetoed by the Governor. I will work to ensure that such increases are not only passed but also implemented, providing critical personal care services to nearly 40,000 individuals with disabilities throughout Missouri.

Address and resolve the compliance issues with federal Medicaid rules and improve the efficiency of Medicaid application processing and call center operations?


Missouri has faced significant delays in Medicaid application processing, with 72% of applications taking more than 45 days to process. To address this, I will push for increased staffing and resources for the Department of Social Services, streamline the application process, and implement better training for call center staff. These steps will help reduce wait times, ensure timely processing, and prevent illegal denials of aid.

Ensure that people with disabilities are provided with appropriate community-based care options rather than being unnecessarily institutionalized in nursing homes?


A federal investigation has determined that Missouri is violating federal disability law by unnecessarily institutionalizing thousands of adults with mental illness in nursing homes. I will advocate for expanding funding and support for home and community-based services, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to the care they need in their communities. This includes increasing the availability of affordable housing and support services that enable independent living.

How will you work to ensure that Missouri respects and upholds the rights and dignity of its residents with disabilities?


I will work to ensure that Missouri respects and upholds the rights and dignity of its residents with disabilities by advocating for policies that promote inclusion, accessibility, and equal opportunities. This includes enforcing disability rights laws, increasing funding for disability services, and engaging with the disability community to address their needs and concerns. By prioritizing these actions, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all Missourians.