About Shawna Ackerson

My name is Shawna Ackerson, and I am proud to stand as a Democratic candidate for the Missouri House of Representatives.

My journey has been marked by adversity and triumph. As a former foster child, and survivor of abusive relationships, homelessness, and cervical cancer, I've faced challenges that have tested my strength and resilience. Yet, through it all, I've also been blessed with the roles of mother, wife, student, and lifelong resident of Joplin.

These experiences have shaped me into a person fueled by compassion and empathy. My life's struggles have instilled in me a profound understanding of the hardships faced by many in our community. And it is this empathy that will guide my approach to legislating.

I am committed to ensuring that every voice is heard, that every dream is nurtured with care and that every obstacle is met with unwavering determination. I will fight tirelessly to create a Missouri where opportunity is abundant, where justice is accessible to all, and where the well-being of every individual is valued above all else.

Together, let's build a future where compassion leads the way and where the promise of a better tomorrow is within reach for every Missourian.